- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- He committed suicide during a fit of depression. 他一时想不开,自杀了。
- Don't stand under a tree during a thunderstorm. 在雷雨期间不要站在树下。
- I don't like being by myself during a thunder storm. 我不喜欢在下雷雨时独自一个人呆着。
- The district was put on red alert during a terrorist bomb scare. 这个地区在得到恐怖主义者轰炸后作了应急准备。
- Heavy rains occur during a summer monsoon. 暴雨出现在一个夏季季风期
- Air cover, especially during a military operation. 掩护幕空中掩护,尤其是在军事行动期间
- During a call, press the snapshot button to send a snapshot. 在呼叫过程中,按Snapshot键发送一幅快照。
- He had put by a good sum during a working lifetime. 在他一生的工作中积蓄了一大笔钱。
- He was born during a thunderstorm. 他是在大雷雨中出生的。
- No. It started during a lunch with Joe Roth. 不是。这一计划始于乔?鲁思的一次午餐。
- Sometimes it hails during a summer thunderstorm. 有时,夏天雷雨期间天会下雹。
- The exchange of prisoners during a war is unusual. 战时很少交换俘虏.
- Do not stand under a tree during a thunderstorm. 在雷雨期间不要站在树下。
- What do you eat normally during a normal day ? 你平时都吃些什么?
- Everyone suffers privations during a war. 战争期间人人都生活困苦。
- Sometimes it hails during a summer thundershower. 有时候夏天的雷阵雨中会夹有冰雹。
- During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. 在一次斗牛时,一个醉汉突然踉踉跄跄地闯到斗牛场中间。
- It was sheer madness to attempt the drive during a blizzard. 试图在暴风雨中驾车绝对是极度愚蠢的
- The queasy lurch of an airplane during a storm. 飞机在暴雨中产生引人呕吐的摇晃